
021 258 4418


Calm birthing with Hypnobirthing

Discover how to enjoy an easier and more comfortable birth experience.

For the Mother-to-Be and Her Birthing Companion.

Hypnobirthing Childbirth Preparation is offered as a private one-to-one course. This private condensed course of 4:30 hrs of tuition is available by appointment and is usually held over two sessions of approx two hrs each.

The Calm Birthing with Hypnobirthing course promotes the empowerment of the mother by teaching her natural childbirth methods and self-hypnosis.

Hypnobirthing is a relaxing, rewarding,  method of childbirth education that is based on the belief that all babies should come into the world in an atmosphere of gentleness, calm, and joy.  

Hypnobirthing allows you to experience birth in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear and tension that prevents the birthing muscles of your body from functioning as nature intended them to.


Relaxed body – relaxed muscles. Baby moves down easily.

Whether you are a first time Mum or already have children, the tools and techniques of Hypnobirthing, including breathing, relaxation and visualization, will help you create the joyful, natural birth experience that you desire.

With the help of hypnotherapy and self hypnosis, the birth of your baby can be a more calm and relaxed experience; one where you are in the drivers seat, rather than feeling like a passenger. This is likely to reduce the need for interventions during your birthing.  Sometimes however, interventions are necessary and the tools and techniques learned in class are also able to be used. 

Hypnosis has been used successfully for many decades to assist mothers in childbirth.

Hypnobirthing doesn’t mean you’ll be in a trance or sleep.  Rather, you’ll be able to chat, and be in good spirits.Totally relaxed, but fully in control. You’ll always be aware of what is happening to you and around you.

Hypnobirthing Private Courses

$410 per Couple

This private 4:30 hrs course is for the mother-to-be and her birthing companion.  It is taught over two sessions of approximately 2:15 hrs each. 

The sessions are comprehensive but relaxed and informal. During these sessions, I will be able to include any special individual needs you may require to assist you. 

As part of the course, couples receive the following resources:

4:30 hrs tuition, A comprehensive 60 plus page manual plus several additional audio electronic recordings  to assist with your relaxation, preparation and breathing practice at home  

Ongoing phone/email support is available until the birth of your baby if required.


The Hypnobirthing Advantage

Caterina has trained as a HypnoBirthing®  childbirth educator and is a practicing professional hypnotherapist and  adult educator with many years experience. This Calm Birthing with Hypnobirthing programme, which she has developed is especially designed for New Zealand mothers. 

Classes are relaxed and informal. It is strongly encouraged that the birthing companion attends all classes.

The reason we ask couples (or an alternative birth companion) to attend together is so the birth companion can understand the tools and techniques you are learning. Your birth companion will play a vital role in your labour and birth and we also teach him/her techniques of how to assist you during this time. It is not compulsory for the birth companion to participate in all of the relaxation exercises if he/she does not desire it.  However, it is recommended, as the skills you will learn can be applied to many different areas of your life.

The best time to begin your classes is between 20-34 weeks pregnant.

however, it is never too early or late to start. If you are beyond 34 weeks, you will still find the course very valuable, as long as you complete it prior to going into labour. Caterina has even worked successfuly with a mother at 38 weeks, so if you have left it too late for a class, contact her and she can work with you privately to give you some tools to assist.

Caterina recommends you book early to avoid disappointment.

For more information, please read the article on this website about how Hypnobirthing can help. The double Cd - Peace and Quiet by Jeffree Clarkson is the suggested music for all your practice sessions http://www.jeffree.co.nz/product-category/music/digital_albums/

What you will learn

Session 1- Childbirth- A Labour of Love

-Introductions and discussion on calm birthing and techniques

-The power of the mind – Preparing your body and mind for birthing 

-Fear – the enemy of the birthing room – How fear affects labour and the causes of fear

-How the words we use around labour affect our attitude

-Psycho-physical relationship

-Preparing your mind & body

-Relaxation & how to create your own endorphins

-How hypnosis/self hypnosis and deep relaxation can assist to  create a positive birth experience

-The uterine muscles and how they work

-Breathing techniques for all stages of labour

-Relaxation techniques  and triggers for relaxation including how to create your own peaceful place

Session 2 - Getting ready to welcome your baby

-Your birth plan

The importance of practice in preparing your mind & body

-Learn self hypnosis and deepening techniques

-10x down relaxation and create a powerful trigger to go into relaxation

-Learn Lite Touch Massage

-Your body, working with you and for you

-Onset of labour – the stages of labour /Positions for labour & birth

-Hallmarks of advanced labour

-The birth companion’s role

-Releasing negative emotions and fears 

-Breathing baby down to birth

-Releasing negative emotions, fears, and limiting thoughts 

-Bonding with your baby

As part of preparation of mind and body for childbirth, Caterina highly recommends the following resources to assist you further for your pregnancy and birthing – 

Kylie Phillips at Phillips Family Chiropractic – http://www.familychiro.co.nz/pregnancy.html

Kaylene Henderson at Her Health – Homeopathy Birth Kits http://www.kaylenehenderson.co.nz/homeopathic-birthing-kit.html

Jeff Clarkson – Peace & Quiet Album – The perfect relaxation  music for practice and birthing  – http://www.jeffree.co.nz/product/peace-and-quiet-double-cd/

Other Pregnancy & Post Natal Services

Caterina also offers private sessions for mothers who require help to:


What couples are saying after finishing the course